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Information About Plastic Surgery Procedures

Skin & Injectables


Dysport is an injectable wrinkle relaxer, like BOTOX, that temporarily relaxes the underlying muscles to soften dynamic wrinkles in the face.

IV Therapy

IV therapy is an effective method to boost immune system, promoting improved recovery, overall wellness, increased mood, and heightened energy levels.


BOTOX is a popular injectable wrinkle relaxer that reduces the appearance of dynamic wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing certain facial muscles.

Hand Rejuvenation

Hand rejuvenation uses fat transfer and/or laser skin resurfacing to correct signs of aging in the hands, including volume loss and thin skin.


An injectable dermal filler, Bellafill improves the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and acne scars for a complexion that is smoother and refreshed.

Injectable Fillers

An injectable filler, sometimes known by brand names Juvéderm, Radiesse, or Retylane, add volume to the face, which fills in and smoothes wrinkles.


Juvéderm is an injectable dermal filler made with hyaluronic acid to soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.


Kybella is an advanced injection approved by the Food and Drug Administration to minimize a double chin by contouring and shaping the neck.

Recovery Time

1 Week

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is a noninvasive treatment that erases or minimizes line, wrinkles, acne scars, age spots, and sun damage.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy rejuvenates the appearance of the face by stimulating the skin's collagen production and tissue regeneration.


Voluma is an injectable gel that is approved by the FDA and designed to add volume and lift in the cheeks and mid-face for restored youth in the face.

Facial Services

Dr. Robert J Paresi, Jr. MD offers a variety of different facial treatments ranging from Chemical Peels to Microdermabrasions.


Daxxify uses a peptide as the stabilizer for Botulinum. This gives it high stability and allows the treatment results to last longer.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.